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You got your works in a drawer and your color's on track
You have to break away but you always come back
You make a hundred changes but you're always the same
You make me so excited and you make me so lame
You're just a tube full of gas and a box full of tin
But you show me your charms and I want to jump in
Oh if only your chassis was covered with skin
'Cause TV you're my everything
                                                    - TV Is King, The Tubes

What is the TV Booster?

The Indian Wells Valley TV Booster (IWVTVB) is a not-for-profit volunteer organization that has been receiving, translating, and rebroadcasting TV and FM radio stations' signals to the IWV since about 1950. Before cable and satellite TV signals were available, the TV Booster system was the only means to provide TV and FM reception for the residents of the Valley. Today, many valley residents support the IWVTVB so that they can receive over-the-air HDTV programming with image quality that is unavailable from and superior to that available from satellite or cable services, while others continue to support the IWVTVB so that those without satellite or cable service can receive TV and FM radio over the air. The Booster's equipment is bought and maintained with funds donated by residents of the IWV. Other residents donate their time and services to keep the equipment operating and to make improvements.

IWVTVB Board of Directors

Bob McGowan, President
Steve Hendricks, Vice President
West Katzenstein, Treasurer
Michael Brush, Secretary
Ken Wetzel
Bob Dezellum
Steven Rainey


PO BOX 562
RIDGECREST CA 93556-0562

Facebook (best place for information)

(Not maintained)

Board Meetings

The Board meets on the first Monday of each month, unless it falls on a holiday and then it meets on the second Monday.

Board meeting boilerplate agenda form.