Indian Wells Valley TV Booster, Inc.

Minutes of the July 6, 2009 board meeting

A. Opening
1. Call to order
President Cole called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm.
2. Attendance
Board members present: Blazek, Cole, Katzenstein, Longo, Manos, Middlemiss, Starr, Wetzel
Board members absent: Ash
Visitors: Ron Garback, Roy Mayhugh
3. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the June 1 meeting were approved with one correction (Wetzel moved, Manos 2nd, passed on a voice vote with 7 ayes, none opposed, no abstentions).
4. Treasurer's report
Katzenstein distributed the final report for May. No income was reported for the month; expenditures totaled $956, including $846 for insurance and $110 for telephone service (2 months). Balances in all accounts at the end of May totaled $21,730. Preliminary results for June included income of $180 in donations, offsetting expenditures of $184 to reserve booth space for Santa's Art Shop and $220 to renew membership in the National Translator Association (NTA).
5. Correspondence
Permission was received from the FCC to keep our Channel 41 transmitter silent for the present. (It is currently not in use following the DTV transition at Laurel Mtn.) Also, an ominous letter was received from the state Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts (dated June 26) warning of possible fines and other dire consequences due to the lack of annual Form RRF-1 filings for consecutive fiscal years dating back to 2002. The Booster was given 30 days to respond. Starr volunteered to research the issue and communicate with the state.
6. Announcements
Five board members represented the Booster at the June 3 Rotary Club luncheon. Thanks to Patti Wharton's sponsorship, we were honored with the club's Vocational Service Award for service to the community.
7. Review of calendar and agenda
The Booster will have to miss the July 13 first-round deadline for NTIA digital-conversion grant applications; see item E-1 Discussion below.
B. Committee reports
1. Standing committees
b. Operations
The Digital TV Transition was successfully completed at Laurel Peak on June 12. KLCS is now a stable, reliable signal. At 'B' Mountain, however, analog channels 13 (KCOP) and 14 (KCET) are still problematic but believed fixable with notch filters on the receiver side. Also of concern at 'B' Mountain is the failure of power supplies in 3 of the 8 new digital converters (STB's) we recently acquired; Mr. Mayhugh will be in touch with their manufacturer. Meanwhile, he is lending the use of some STB's of his own.
c. Publicity
It was urged that we submit immediate press releases explaining what Laurel Peak users can expect on June 12 and 13 (i.e., cessation of KABC and KCET analog broadcasts and occasional interruptions of digital transmissions) and what they must do (i.e., rescan for new channels), at the same time noting that low-power analog broadcasting will continue from B Mountain, albeit with some interruptions during that weekend.
4. Web site committee
Cole reported having brought the Booster web site up to date.
C. Old business
1. Another interesting offer was received from the owner of an Antelope Valley FM station, involving the possible reassignment of one of our radio translation frequencies to that programming source; a financial consideration was involved. Aside from potential legal issues, it remains the board's consensus that we have no surplus frequencies at this time.
E. Discussion items
1. NTIA Grant Snag
Katzenstein and Middlemiss presented the bad news that we probably cannot qualify for any of the NTIA digital-conversion equipment grants we had expected to apply for (involving a substantial loss of anticipated working capital). In the course of following the on-line application procedures, it was discovered that the NTIA has introduced a prohibitive "rurality" constraint: the Booster's Laurel Peak transmitter service contours appear to include too much of incorporated Ridgecrest to pass this "60-percent" test (with the possible exception of Channel 49). Further research will determine whether use of Longley-Rice methodology might form the basis of an appeal.
F. Closure
1. Next meeting: 5:00 PM, August 3, 2009, Vaughn Realty Meeting Room, Ridgecrest
2. Adjournment: There being no further business, President Cole adjourned the meeting at 6:40 pm.

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