Indian Wells Valley TV Booster, Inc.

Minutes of the April 6, 2009 board meeting

A. Opening
1. Call to order
President Cole called the meeting to order at 5:06 pm.
2. Attendance
Board members present: Blazek, Cole, Katzenstein, Longo, Manos, Middlemiss Starr, Wetzel
Board members absent: Ash
Visitors: Roy Mayhugh
3. Approval of minutes
The minutes of the March 2 meeting were approved as distributed (Manos' motion, 2nd by Middlemiss, passed on a voice vote, 7 ayes, no nays, no abstentions).
4. Treasurer's report
Katzenstein distributed the final financial report for February. Gross income for that month totaled $1,110 from donations, although one $20 check subsequently bounced (incurring a $6 penalty from our bank). February expenditures included the monthly phone bill of $51 and two reimbursements ($1,212 to Wetzel and $3,250 to Mayhugh) for equipment purchases. Total balances in all accounts amounted to $22,878 at the end of February. Over $400 in additional donations were received in March.
5. Correspondence
Katzenstein reported no notable correspondence during March.
6. Announcements
Mr. Mayhugh reported that, as of June 12, the FCC will accept low-power TV station filings on a continuous basis. Previously, LPTV filings have been accepted only during specified calendar "windows."
7. Review of calendar and agenda
The annual meeting of the National Translators Association (NTA) is scheduled for May 15 through 17 in Denver. Mr. Mayhugh reaffirmed that he will be attending the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) meeting this month and will report on it subsequently.
B. Committee reports
1. Standing committees
b. Operations
Wetzel reported that the left-channel dropout problem on our 107.1 FM (KCNV Las Vegas) stereo signal seems to have "fixed itself." Also, "beat bars" returned to affect the picture on analog Channel 7 (B Mountain), but Ken was able to fix the problem. Then the new analog-converter "set-top box" for Channel 4 (B Mountain) died. There's always something.
c. Publicity
Following up on a previous discussion, Starr admitted he hadn't gotten around to writing any public service announcements for local radio use; Longo volunteered to take over that task. There was also a brief reference to possible Public Relations activity in July, after the DTV transition.
D. New business
1. Middlemiss moved to approve expenditures not to exceed $950 to pay attendance fees for up to three representatives to attend the annual NTA conference. (Seconded by Blazek, the motion passed on voice vote, 8 ayes without opposition or abstentions.)
2. Middlemiss moved that the Booster file a displacement application with the FCC, using Greg Best for the necessary engineering support (not to exceed $500), in order to exchange our present Channel 41 license for Channel 19. (Seconded by Manos, the motion passed on a voice vote, 8-0-0 again.)
E. Discussion items
1. TV Service to Searles Valley
Public input via the Booster's booth at the March 28-29 Home Show at the fairgrounds was discussed. Of particular note, it was reported that Mediacom has ceased to provide cable-TV service to Searles Valley, and we were asked if there existed any possibility of receiving Booster broadcasts there. The Board seemed to feel that the TV Booster might be able to partner with Searles Valley Minerals to help fill that gap for Trona-area residents who do not opt for satellite service instead.
F. Closure
1. Next meeting: 5:00 PM, May 4, 2009, Vaughn Realty Meeting Room, Ridgecrest
2. Adjournment: There being no further business, President Cole adjourned the meeting at 6:50 pm.

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